Israel Trip Part 1
Figured I would take advantage of my blog to keep a rolling record of my trip. This way when my wife asks me what I did I will have some way of remembering.
The flight was decent. Had a middle seat but that didn’t cause to many problems as neither of my row-mates were 700lbs old ladies. Slept through dinner and most of the flight which is better than last time. We barely had a minyan on the plane which was surprising. In the end I think there were 14-17 men who participated. The plane was packed with birthright people so that may have skewed the normal dati/non-dati ratios.
Landed at the new Ben-Gurion airport. It was certainly different than the old stairs and bus routine. The old routine defiantly did something to contribute to Israel’s image as a primitive earthy land. Now perhaps they are going for the glass and steel look. Some of the halls you need to walk through are interesting. Especially this 100m+ pair of ramps. But you do have to hike quite a bit to get to the passport control which looks exactly like it used to.
Getting the bags was easy and it was off to Efrat. Chezkie only badgered me once regarding MBA. It was a sign of how busy Davida was that she didn’t mention it when I spoke to her today. We’ll see what shabbos brings. Went to bed at 10:45 and woke up at 4:30. Lets hope tonight is a little better.