Here Comes Everybody
Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations
Clay Shirky
“It is easier to understand that you face competition than obsolescence.”
pg. 59
“Two things have to happen for someone to become famous, neither of them related to technology. The first is scale, he or she has to have some minimum amount of attention, an audience in the thousands or more, and second he or she has to be unable to reciprocate.”
pg. 91<
“What technology did here was expose the lie in the two greatest PR defences of this kind of abuse: This is an aberration and we didn’t know.”
pg. 151
“Much of the success of the United States as a nation has to do with its ability to generate social capital. When your neighbour walks your dog while you are ill, or the guy behind the counter trusts you to pay him next time, social capital is at work.”
pg. 192
“The net effect is that it’s easier to like people who are odd in the same way you are odd but it’s harder to find them.”
pg. 200
“Falling transactions costs benifit all groups not just groups we happen to approve of.”
pg. 208