Whisky Fest 2011 - Part III

Part 3 (Parts 1, 2

Quick Hits

  • Koval liquors were good. They suggested the ginger one would go well in a dark and stormy. Added to the wish list
  • I tried the Catdaddy Moonshine. Not sure why that isn’t Gin but with corn as they were all heavily flavored. If a liquor is a distilled fruit juice then this was Gin but with distilled corn rather than distilled grain. I liked it but it tasted like I was drinking a flavored drink. I’d rather have that then the pre-made malt drinks.

Chris Morris wasn’t there. I think this is two out of three years he hasn’t made it up. I had hoped to follow up with him on a comment he made on Whisky Cast regarding the ABV of a spirit as it went into the barrel. It seems that when they put the spirit in the used barrels they lowered the ABV. This is the first I had heard of such a technique. I did ask Parker Beam this question and he said that they had tried multiple ABV and hadn’t noticed it have any impact.

I did give my yearly pitch to Larry Kass to release the 23 year old outside the distillery. He replied with his yearly pitch for me to visit the distillery. Parker Beam even offered to sign a bottle.

Several of my regulars weren’t there. Josh Hatton stuck in Philly, Mark Gillespie had a function with his daughter, and I didn’t see Alan. Did see Pinny and some folks from shul. There was a new frum Jewish fellow who seemed to like bourbon, should have exchanged contact info but I thought some of his information was suspect. Spent loads of time with Ken, Ben, Marino and Mark. Hope I steered them well.

All in all a good event. I hope to be back next year but that may be a blog post in of itself if I can confirm the dates and days of the week.